Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Grilled Mashed Potato Sandwiches

I know this may sound like a weird sandwich, but it's a favorite of ours and a great way to use up leftover mashed potatoes.

Grilled Mashed Potato Sandwiches

leftover mashed potatoes, reheated
shredded cheese
salt & pepper

Butter one side of each slice of bread just like you would for a grilled cheese sandwich. On the unbuttered side of one piece of bread, sprinkle some of the cheese. Then with a butter knife, spread a generous amount of the reheated mashed potatoes over top. Season with salt and pepper to taste then top with another sprinkling of cheese. Top with the other piece of bread, buttered side up, and cook on a griddle/frying pan over medium heat, turning once, so that each side is browned. Cut in half and serve immediately.
*salt the potatoes on your sandwich generously, even if the mashed potatoes you are using are seasoned as they can sometimes taste a bit bland. Reheating the potatoes before putting them on the sandwich ensures they are heated all the way through as the bread can brown faster than the potatoes can re-heat in the sandwich on the griddle. Also, pepper jack cheese is my favorite for this sandwich, but cheddar is also delicious.

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